How to Stop Sugar Cravings Once and For All

How to Stop Sugar Cravings Once and For All

Who doesn't love sugar? There's nothing wrong with having a dessert. The problem is when it becomes something exaggerated, causing damage to health. This can happen for several reasons, from the functioning of the body to psychological factors.

Is there a way to reduce the desire to eat sugar?

When there's a lot of desire to eat sugar, an important step is to seek help from an expert. There are strategies that the nutritionist can go through individually in an attempt to reduce the desire for sugar and in some cases therapy with a psychologist may be necessary to understand where this need is coming from and whether it has an emotional nature or not.

From a food point of view, one way to reduce this desire is to increase the consumption of items that promote a greater feeling of satiety, keeping hunger at bay and helping to keep the blood sugar level balanced. Another strategy is to consume more foods that stimulate the production of serotonin, the hormone of well-being and pleasure. Examples of this are items of our daily life, such as bananas, oats, and chestnuts.

Low carbohydrate diets can also lead to this craving, causing the body to ask for carbohydrates in the form of sugar. And this has a scientific explanation: when eating foods rich in sugar, the body releases substances that cause satisfaction and fight stress. It is no coincidence that consuming that little chocolate causes a feeling of relaxation, after all, it stimulates the production and release of dopamine and serotonin. Once consuming sugar becomes something regularly, it creates a cycle that is very difficult to stop, leading to excessive cravings for sugar.

6 tips on how to reduce the desire to eat sweets

Below, we list some tips on how to get rid of the desire to eat sugar or, at least, minimize it in everyday life and, in addition, have a more balanced diet. Come with us!

Fewer sugar sweets

You don't need to radicalize and change your habits overnight. One way to manage to reduce sugar is to opt for fewer sugar sweets, and gradually reduce the desire. Lowering the sweetness level little by little helps your taste buds get used to it so you don't crave such sugary foods. You can start with the sugar in the coffee, replacing the milk chocolate with the bittersweet one and the artificially flavored yogurt with the natural one.

Avoid long gaps without eating

Going too long without eating makes hunger build up and can even lead to binge episodes. So, instead of eating that piece of cake you've been wanting so much, you might end up eating the whole cake. One way to avoid this is to eat smaller portions more regularly.

Eat whole foods

Whole grains, as well as other fiber-rich foods, contribute to controlling blood glucose levels. When sugar from food is absorbed slowly, there is a decrease in the desire to eat.

Avoid industrialized drinks

Soft drinks, energy drinks, and boxed juices contain large doses of sugar. Therefore, stopping drinking them greatly reduces the amount of glucose ingested daily. On the other hand, it is important to pay attention to hydration, as the body often confuses thirst with hunger.

Consume foods that help with satiety

Foods rich in protein and good fats also contribute to providing the feeling of satiety and reducing hunger. Among them, lean meat, fish, eggs, avocado, and soy are great examples.

Eat more fruits

Have you ever heard of fruits that take away the desire to eat sugar? In addition to the naturally sweet taste present in many of them, the big secret is again in the fibers, which help to reduce the absorption of sugar by the intestine. You can eat them as a dessert or add them to your snacks in the form of vitamins, with yogurt, or in the traditional fruit salad.

Now that you know how to reduce the desire to eat sweets, it is worth remembering once again that desserts do not have to be the villains of food. There are several healthy options that go well with a balanced diet without spawn. Keep in mind that health must always come first!

How did you like this article? We hope that our tips can help reduce sugar cravings!
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